Modern Foreign Languages: French and Spanish


Are you interested in different countries, cultures and ways of life? Do you like to chat with other people in a different language? Do you have opinions about controversial issues and events in Europe and beyond?

Entry Requirements

For French: 6 in GCSE French

For Spanish: 6 in GCSE Spanish


Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Writing  (2 hours 30 minutes) 50% of A-level

Paper 2: Writing on the book and the film studies (2 hours) - 20% of A-Level

Paper 3: Speaking card + Individual Research Project (21-23 minutes) 30% of A-level

French and Spanish

St Anne’s offers A-level courses in French and Spanish. In lessons we use authentic sources; students read newspaper and magazine articles, use the internet to access materials, watch films and listen to the radio, music and sound recordings. Language skills are practised in a supportive and encouraging environment. Speaking is practised continually, focusing on debates, discussions, justifying opinions and building on other students’ points of view. Through the topics studied, grammar is revised and built upon. Written work reflects the subject knowledge the students gain throughout the course.

Through this course students gain an insight into the society, culture and life of the countries where the language is spoken. The knowledge gained through the course will not only enrich students’ understanding of a variety of other subjects (including geography, history, politics and business studies), it will also heighten their knowledge of the English language by looking closely at language structures.

These courses have a real focus on the people, culture and countries. They develop the same skills as the previous specification but we will be studying different cultural topics. Both years develop speaking skills and translation.

Examination board - AQA

A-level Languages build upon your existing knowledge, enabling you to use your language in a variety of contexts and situation. There is an emphasis on the culture, history, society and lifestyle of French and Spanish speaking countries. You will also study a book and a film (No et Moi and Au Revoir Les Enfants for French, Como agua para chocolate and Volver for Spanish). We offer a supportive and encouraging environment, allowing you to gain in confidence and measure your progress regularly. The department runs two highly popular trips to Paris and Andalucía.



In our globalised world, the ability to speak another language is a huge asset to most companies and having this skill on your CV will make you a stronger contender when applying to jobs. Whether you decide to continue studying a language after your A - Levels or not, they will provide you with opportunities to travel, take a gap year abroad or study/work in another country.
